PoliTrempe’s environmental action

Dematerialisation or paperlessness is the replacement of paper documents in a company by computer files and the digital management of all data flows (exchange, storage, archiving, etc.). An unrealistic goal for some, inevitable for others, the trend that seems to be emerging now is that of gradually eliminating physical media.

Since 2017, PoliTrempe has been offering its customers a paperless solution.

New practices are emerging such as the provision of shared files, automatic e-mailing, electronic signatures, and the management of tasks within different operational flows (workflow). The objectives of such an approach are obviously multiple. In addition to generating significant savings, reducing the time spent on administrative procedures and therefore optimising the company’s responsiveness and efficiency, the implementation of paperless systems also makes it possible to guarantee the integrity and reliability of data, to facilitate their archiving and backup, to maintain the traceability of their flow and to ensure the confidentiality of the various exchanges.

Paperless and optimised information flows

Simplifying and optimising the various information flows will improve productivity, quality, save time and reduce costs.

It will also make it possible to limit the risk of error and facilitate the sharing of information, the fluidity of exchanges and the development of new services for customers. It is thus part of a total quality approach in search of the “5 zeros”: zero stock, zero defects, zero breakdowns, zero delays, zero paper.

For example, the focus will be on identifying existing inefficiencies in document management processes. In some industries, such as the pharmaceutical industry, the large number of documents to be produced generates significant costs (paper, ink, printer maintenance).

Action environnementale

PoliTrempe is sensitive to environmental actions